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Get the most out of your honey purchase

The Wright Honey team

Getting the most out of your honey purchase

Honey adds a touch of sweetness to really anything you want. This silky and slightly sticky delight is also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and is an antioxidant, which may seem like a lot of antis, but we’re far from anti-honey.

To get all its superhuman benefits, though, you need to pick the right honey

Choose raw and unfiltered honey

Honey is no different from most foods: When buying it, aim to avoid processed options. When honey is processed it's heated, which can destroy its beneficial elements and make it less nutritious. Look for labels that say raw to avoid missing out on critical nutrients.

Another essential label to look for is unfiltered. Filtering honey removes a lot of the pollen, and bee pollen is nutritious. If you’ve ever held your honey up to the light and noticed little particles in the honey, there’s a chance it’s unfiltered, and that’s some nutritious leftovers that you don’t want to miss. So remember: raw and unfiltered!

Should you buy Organic honey?

In many cases, choosing organic food is a great, reliable option. In the case of honey, it doesn’t matter if you opt for organic or not, because bees fly many miles and it's far too difficult to determine which flowers were visited. You would have to ensure all flowers in the bee-foraging area were pesticide-free and this is extremely difficult to confirm. It’s likely that organic honey may be a little more expensive than non-organic honey, so knowing this little tip could shave a little off the price tag.

Look at the colour

Honey has different colours and distinct tastes based on which flowers the bees visited and the time of the year. Honey in the fall is usually darker and has a bolder flavor and honey in the spring is often lighter and has a milder taste. Both are delicious, and its’ worth trying out both to see what you like. While in the store or at the farmer’s market, check out the colour of the honey and choose based on the flavour you want.

Besides the labels, you won’t be able to tell by the color which flowers the bees went to so experiment with different types of honey.

While buying honey can be confusing, we hope these tips help you get the most nutrients and flavor for your money.


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